Nothing terribly new to post...but I am bored (I took the day off work to drive my dad to the airport, but I was home by I am bored!)....

However, someone once showed me this website ( and now I am pretty much obsessed...From what I gather it is supposed to be a coaster enthusiast website (...a coaster enthusiast I am NOT!!!) but all of the different pictures and stories of the different types of theme parks from around the world really interest me...particularly the Disney's around the world, and now I have found myself wanting to know more and more about these parks...
First of all is has a VOLCANO!!! and tons of great me, take a look at the website! I WANNA GO!!! It look is sort of like Epcot, but it features real and simulated cities that are based on the seas (i.e. American waterfront, Venice etc)...and from what I can tell the best ride is the Journey to the Centre of the Earth
I haven't seen pictures of the inside of the ride, but I've heard it may be like Dinosaur in AK, but more like a rollercoaster? and everyone says there is nothing like it!
Secondly, Tokyo Disneyland looks very cool! Which, from what I can tell is really just a transplanted California Disneyland, but with its own Japanese Twist. For example, the castle...
WEIRD!!!! but so cool! All of the rides seem to be the same, but something really strange happens over there...
Chip and Dale are the most popular characters! WHAT??!! like more popular that Mickey and Minnie...I don't get it??
Anyhoo, those are the two I really want to see...there is also Disneyland Paris (aka, Euro Disney)...which I stood outside of once, but I neither had the time or the Euro's to pay for a ticket, and I chose the Louvre over anything else at the time...
So in closing...I thought I should share...and if anyone who reads this (probably no one!) is planning, plans or has gone to any of these parks...please send me pictures...or e-mail me? I'd love to hear about them!!! or even better, take me with you??
, just as an ending major hurdle between me and Disney has been passed...I am now an official degree holder. I now own a Honours Bachelor of Arts in studies in arts and culture. It was really exciting, and surreal at the same time. I am very excited to be done, but I also am pretty sad to be done with Brock, and to no longer being a part of arts and culture (only three graduates from my program this semester...we were a sad sad bunch!) are some pictures for your pleasure!

Me with the obligatory graduation punch...
Thats it for now...