Indeed, indeed...it is now three months to go until the faithful day!!!!
I can't believe how much has happened in the last little bit...I think it is mostly my doing though. I had my birthday, then (of course!) work (my kiddies are off to school *sniff, tear*!!), and then I had lots of family stuff and school stuff going on this week...then the e-mail from Disney, and Australia next week....Eeeek!
haha...I'm not complaining though, all this stuff is making time fly...which is SPECTACULAR!! and by the time I get back from Aus, there will only be two months to go...just enough time to work out all the final details...and of course, before I know it, it'll be time to leave!! I still can't help but have a HUGE smile on my face everytime I think about it!

So just a heads up...I probably will not be updating much (...or at all) in the next month, as I will be half-way across the world...but I'll be sure to keep you all up-to-date when I arrive back the first week of october...should I survive to multitudes upon multitudes of flights I have to take *double eeek!*....so everyone keep your fingers crossed that I arrive, and return safely, and in one piece...and then I shall keep VERY on top of this thing...and keep you all informed as to the Disney goings-on in the last few weeks before I head to the O dot (tehe!)
To keep all your picture viewing urges satisfied, I shall share my trip to the Ex this past weekend (for all those non-Canadians out there...it is basically a HUGE fair in Toronto to close off the summer! woo-hoo!!)