Monday, November 26, 2007

It's a great big beautiful tomorrow...shining at the end of everyday...

Hey everyone!


ONLY 4 days to go!!!!! after all that waiting, only a few more sleeps and I'll be in sunny florida with a mouse as my boss!

I sort of feel like a chicken with my head cut off...but everything is coming together, all that is left is to switch some money over to American dollars (YAY to the Canadian dollar being so was meant to be I tell ya!) and to get my ridiculously out of control hair cut and coloured.

Hopefully I'll be able to post more often (and some pictures as well), now that I am officially on my way...We should arrive in Orlando on the 2nd (staying in the all-star sports for a few days to get us in the Disney mood!), and arrive at one of the complexes on the 4th!

...and in saying that, I'll talk to you guys soon enough....I'll leave you with a picture of my disasterous room, and my sad attempt at packing my life away! I come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (watch out!)

Sunday, November 4, 2007

29 days!!!

29 days until Disney everyone...Shut you're mouth...I KNOW!!!

It is now less than a month until I will be working for the mouse, and living in the most magical place on earth! A few major things have happened lately. After I got my Disney pack, I went looking for some work shoes (a.k.a. black nurse shoes) Let me tell you that I felt like a complete fool/50 year old woman buying them, but I have them, and they are appropriate to the "disney look".
I also got some new glasses (cheap...but lovely!) and some vacuum seal travel know the kind from the infomercials that suck all the excess air out (they do can get them at zellers for pennies apparently!), that will help me to stuff all of my belongings into two measly suitcases.

I also took a sort of tentative trip to Ikea to look for a new comforter and some sheets, thinking that I probably wouldn't find anything cheap...but I did, and its cute! a colourful polka-dot/stripey set for only $19.99, that included a comforter and sheets! so thats done, and I also paid my $85 assessment fee, which means that my apartment placement has been confirmed (get ready future roomates?), I'm not sure which complex I will be in, but I have a bed, which is excellent news! I also went to CAA to get our trip-tich for the way down...that plus a travel book, and a GPS which should get us there safely...right?!

Now all thats left is to get a haircut, and some insurance...and with 29 days to do so, I'm thinking that should be no problem!

I really want to be going in like 2 days, but I'm happy to have to only wait another few weeks, instead of another few months. I'm thinking that I'll probably have to wait until next year to see Mickey's not-so-scary halloween party, but the christmas stuff should be up when I get down there, which is VERY cool...because if you don't already know, there is nothing quite like Disney at Christmas!

I think that is everything for now...hopefully next time I post I'll be very close to leaving/already down in Florida, and re-capping all the wonderful-ness that shall be happening to me!!
**update that is totally unrelated to anything, but I just saw Across the Universe, and am listening to the soundtrack is awesome...please go and see it!**