Hello cyber world...Here I am...
So this is my first blog (obvious!) I apologize if it is uneventful..if so please just discontinue reading right now!
Anyhoo...My name is Lisa, and I just recently found out that I am going to be moving to Florida to work for the mouse for 1 year as a Canadian Cultural Representative in December of the year...and I COULDN'T BE MORE EXCITED!!!!!
I just finished school, and am taking a break from the job search to start this blog. The main reason I am doing this blog is for information for those who may want to apply to the program and for my lovely friends and family in Canada, so they can read and stay updated on my uber exciting adventure in Disney.
So basically, I am going to re-enact my recent adventures in a nut shell up until today.
SO waaaaaaaaaaay back in February, I had reading week, and I went to Disney to have a little fun in the florida sun! and I had a great time...Now before I left, I had some bad news regarding graduate studies, and long story short, my Dad and sister suggested that I apply to Disney (because we had known people who had done the program in the past...and LOVED it *ahem* Amanda!!)...so I DID!!
And after alot of waiting and stressing, Eric (from Cast-a-way) finally called me for a phone interview, only for me to find out that my tattoo (small inner wrist one) could pote
(and for those of you who are wondering, he asked me no questions other than the tattoo one during my phone interview...so really I stressed for nothing!)
So about a month and a half later, I was on the GO train to the Grand Hotel in Toronto, dressed in my finest garb, to meet Eric and the Disney Folk (I got up far too early, and was there before Eric and friends had even gone for breakfast, so I sat happily in the front row with an INSANELY huge smile on my face, and filled in my Disney paperwork.) I loved the interviews so much, and the video, and the whole extravaganza...so I was more than ready when my actual interview rolled around about an hour and a half later. I was interviewed with two other girls, one going for the college program and one also going for the year long CR program...now in my "high on life" brain I thought that these two ladies did a much better job at answering the questions than I did, but I think what put me over the top was the pirate-y pictures of myself (the very one that is at the top of this blog)...thats right, I gave that in as my picture!!!
So about a week or so later, the College program people started to hear word of thier acceptance, and that in turn caused me to start checking my e-mails incessantly for a few days. Now my memory is not what it used to be (LOL!) but I think it may have been at the end of that week, that my fellow applicant, Lisa (yep, we're everywhere!!) messaged me in an emergency fashion, and sort of indecipherably to check my e-mail...and here is what I found...
You have been successful in your interview last week for the "CULTURAL REPRESENTATIVE PROGRAM" at Walt Disney World.
Your departure date and end date will be given to you when you call our office at xxx-xxx-xxx You can ask for Julie or Eric. We would really like to have all job offers sent out before the end of the week, so you can reach us starting at 9:30am all week. Please be patient, we are extremely busy at this time of year and we will get back to you ASAP.
I will need you to fax me a criminal back ground check to xxx-xxx-xxx ASAP.
Please call us ASAP and we will let you know what Position you have been hired into and go over the rest of the details, and answer any questions you may have!
It was a pleasure meeting you and thank you for attending our presentation and interviews.
Eric Theriault
Now...I must add that first of all, I checked my school e-mail, which is the one I usually use for business-y type things (which this should be classified as...) and there was nothing there...so I am having a mini panic attack as I am checking my other e-mails, and junk mails, and when I finally found it I was ready to jump out of my skin, which I think I did!!! so I pretty much e-mailed, facebooked, and texted everyone I knew to tell them, and ran downstairs tell (scream?) my dad the great news!
SO then I had to try and call Cast-a-way to find my departure date, and they of course never answered/called me back, so I had to wait until the next day to find out my departure date and position, which is....
December 4th, 2007 - November 28th, 2008 (Food and Beverage!!!!)
as of right now, that is basically it...I have to wait for my info pack (which I am told will not come until late September), in order to go onto the next step, which involves a whole bunch of paperwork etc I am sure. But I will definetly keep you all updated! If you feel the urge, please leave a comment, let me know what you'd like to hear about?
And in the near future, I am in search of some short-term employment...fun shall be had by all!
Until next time my friends!
1 comment:
Hi! I'm from the UK and thinking of applying for the cultural representative program... I'm new to this site and can't navigate it very well, so can you tell me if you have any more entries other than the first one on your time in Florida?? I really want to read what the whole experience is like!!
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