...Just getting ready to go to work, drinking some tea, and I thought I'd post a little on my recent pirate-y adventure...
SO this is slightly delayed, but I went to see Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World's End a few days ago, and here is the story...
So about a week ago, I decided that I was going to pre-buy tickets online for the theatre just around the corner from me (for just myself....that's right, I go to the movies by myself....not usually, just for Pirates apparently!?) and they were completely sold out for the friday show...so not going to lie, I was a little depressed...but I accepted that I would probably have to go this weekend coming.
I then went on with my day, went to work...probably watched a disney movie or two, played at the park....dressed as a princess (I am a babysitter...I don't do this regularly...well as far as you know...) then I got a message from my friend telling me to re-check tickets cause her work friend found some tickets in Mississuaga...so as soon as I got home I checked tickets a little farther from home (i.e. Brantford, about a 30 minutes drive!) and low and behold there were seven left for the following day (friday the 25th) so I bought one...called up my friend at work and thanked her profusely!!
Friday then came around, and 9pm came very quickly! so I left with plenty of time to spare...but because I took a run to starbucks for a car treat, I didn't leave alot of time to get there! so I finally made it with about 10 minutes to spare...ran in (to what turned out to be a cinema in a mall) and gave in my pass to get my pre-bought ticket...now thank goodness I was only one person because everyone and thier mother were saving seats...but luckily I found a seat close to the end in the middle of the theatre, so I leapt over the rest of the row and sunk my tooshie in! Now little did I know that because it was opening night, they delayed the start by 15 minutes because of the backlog of people at the concession stand. Also little did I know (or maybe this only happens in Brantford) that they have security watching for movie pirates (tehehehe) and warned everyone that if they had a cell phone/Ipod (or any other type of electronic device) that was turned on during the duration of the movie that that person would be kicked out. Now I wouldn't normally have taken this seriously (and would have been texting like crazy, considering all my friends were at home...not taking part in my pirate-y adventure!) but they literally had unifromed guards patrolling the theatre for the whole show, so I promptly turned off everything I owned ASAP (cause let me tell you that they would have rued the day that they ever kicked me out of an opening pirates show!!!!)
So anyways, after all the security warnings for the rowdy 13 year old crowd (I was by far the oldest one there by at least 5 years!!) the movie finally started with a HUGE amount of trailers (the transformers one looks really good, but you couldn't pay me to actually see the movie....and the new disney one "enchanted" featuring the one and only Patrick "McDreamy" Dempsey looks like it is also going to be an opening night-er) and I am not going to give away much of the plot....but if you are planning on going to see it, please be advised that spoilers be ahead...Rrrrrrrr
So I think I still LOVE Pirates: the curse of the black pearl the best, but this one definitely makes up for the silliness of dead man's chest!
LOTS of shirtless depps makes Lisa VERY happy!
I loved the storyline with Calypso and Fishface (aka. davey jones) made me like him and her a whole lot more than I did in number 2
LOVED LOVED LOVED the references to the DL and WDW ride in the middle....but I'm afraid that I was the only one in the theatre old enough to remember the old school pirates rides :(
The story was mighty confusing (a.k.a looooooooong and drawn out, with lots of pirate-y alliance switches) but stick with it....the last 45 minutes makes it VERY well worth the time!
KEITH RICHARDS....KEITH RICHARDS....KEITH RICHARDS enough said!! (may have been some of the best minutes of the film)
I really liked the trippiness of Jack's scenes in Davey jones' locker and in the brig....VERY sparrow!
All in all I thought it was really well done...a MUST see for SFX aficianados (the maelstrom was amazing!!!) and of course a must see for pirate losers/lovers such as myself!
Drink up me hearty's....YO HO!!

pps....as for disney stuff, it is almost 6 months on the dot until I leave, but I am going to do a big post on the 6 month mark...other than that, really nothing to post! I have met a few more people leaving on the 4th, and we are all very excited!!
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